
In the fast-paced world of pharmaceutical and life sciences industries, navigating the ever-evolving regulatory landscape can be daunting. Ensuring compliance while striving for operational excellence demands a sophisticated approach. Enter Veeva Vault QMS—a game-changing solution designed to not just meet but exceed modern compliance and efficiency standards. What Makes Veeva Vault QMS a Game-Changer? Veeva

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As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize the life sciences industry, companies are increasingly seeking solutions that can seamlessly integrate AI capabilities into their workflows. Understanding this trend, Veeva Systems recently announced its Veeva AI Partner Program, designed to support partners in the development of Generative AI (GenAI) solutions for Veeva Vault applications. This initiative

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Introduction: Pharmacovigilance, a crucial aspect of the healthcare sector, plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and efficacy of medicinal products. It is a practice that has been in place for about 170 years in the medical industry.  Today this acts as a benchmark for all Pharmaceutical companies to live up to. The Good

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In recent years, global supply chains have faced unprecedented challenges. The cGMP pharmaceutical industry has been no exception, experiencing significant disruptions due to the pandemic and geopolitical tensions. As we navigate these challenges, it is crucial to build a cGMP system that is not only stronger but also more resilient to future uncertainties. The Role

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Introduction The pharmaceutical and life sciences industries rely heavily on computerised systems for several critical functions such as drug development, manufacturing, and quality control. Ensuring the integrity and reliability of these systems is a must for patient safety and data security. This is where Computer System Validation (CSV) comes into play. However, the growing cyber

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Executive Summary In the tightly regulated sectors of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and medical devices, strict adherence to Good Practice (GxP) standards is paramount. Selecting proficient auditors or auditing agencies is pivotal for ensuring GxP compliance across diverse supplier landscapes and environments. This whitepaper offers invaluable insights and practical tips for selecting the right partner to outsource

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Introduction The pharmaceutical industry hinges on precision and safety. From drug discovery to manufacturing, every step must be meticulously controlled and documented. Computer systems are integral to this process, but how can their reliability be ensured? This is where Computer System Validation (CSV) comes into play. As technology has advanced, so has CSV, adapting to

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has come to be a disruptive force in many different sectors

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The pharmaceutical industry has long relied on Computer System Validation (CSV)

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The first step in a successful audit is to clearly define its scope and objectives.

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